i'm home-d early today, 10.30pm . woots, early yeahs ? and yayaya, i've been bullt by peepoos again -.- grrs , hate it man ! hate those words from someone. really very nasty alright ! i hate it ! you takes it as a jokes, yet i'm not ! you said, you never jokes yet you still took those thing as a jokes, you know how am i feeling, you dont know! i didnt want to spoke it out cause i hate quarrel! really hate that much. what to do? give in to you nors, hellcxzs ! whatevercxzs ! just remember i still lovecxzs you ! lovecxzsdiecxzsyoucxzs <: you're the reason why i'm doing all those thing now ! you dont understand me well at all ): yet, i'm going to prove that i can do well in everything (: no matter what happen
If i could have just one wish,
i would wish to wake up everyday
to wake you up for work and
the kiss on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine.
knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.
i wished to have this daily routine (:
ilovecxzsyou (:
baibai, i'm going for my sleep naox !
Nights <3
is that true ?
fear can be overcome(: